Reporting abuse
Report abuse of an adult
Call 999 if you think a crime has been committed or someone is in immediate danger.
If you think a person is at risk or being abuse or neglected, you should contact us, or the police immediately, as this is a safeguarding concern.
What happens after I report abuse
Upon receiving a safeguarding concern, adult social care will:
- collect as much information as possible from the person that reported the safeguarding concern, the adult involved and check any previous records, including if they are already known to adult social care
- decide whether to continue with an enquiry or not, based on the information received
- seek consent from the adult before continuing with the enquiry. If other people are at risk, consent may not be required to continue the enquiry
- give you or the person that reported the safeguarding concern feedback, whether adult social care choose to carry out an enquiry or not
- ask the adult concerned or their families what they want to get from the enquiry
- consider other processes like a social care or carers assessment or signpost to other agencies if an enquiry is not pursued
If you would prefer to speak to someone, call the First Response Team: 0800 137 915. Outside of working hours, call our Emergency Duty Team: 0800 999 7677
If you feel the person is in immediate danger, dial 999