Registered Managers Network
Run by registered managers and supported by 'skills for care' and 'buckinghamshire council', offers the opportunity to share best practice in a safe space and discuss experiences and issues.
Registered managers can feel a lot of pressure and isolation and the best people to understand how complex your role can be is other registered managers.
From those already registered...
"Being a registered manager is a really challenging yet highly rewarding role. Having supportive and collaborative relationships with other managers in the local area will only help in our roles and better serve our staff teams and people we support. I am excited at the prospect of forming such relationships as part of a mutually supporting network".
“Lots of information and guidance and given food for thought and desire to investigate further. Read up on the care certificate and talk to others about their experiences. Worthwhile attending”.
“It has made/highlighted my awareness of current CQC themes and enhanced knowledge of care certificate. Will further review staff induction and way in which care certificate is used. This was informative and interesting”.
“Always useful – good to be back and see everybody”.
“I enjoyed all parts of the meeting; it's a great tool to network and share good practice”.
“I will share careers the Buckinghamshire Careers Pathway information with our HR and recruitment officer”.
“It was nice to see that elements from the previous meetings are actioned, and ideas of managers are included”.
“I was able to check my learning by talking to other attendees. CQC and Grey Matter were interesting. I have more understanding of CQC inspections".
The network usually meets four times a year and is always chaired by a registered manager. The agenda is set by those who attend, to make sure the discussions are always beneficial. This network was developed to bring social care professionals together.
However, at the moment due to COVID -19 and social distancing, we have set up a Bucks RM network WhatsApp group.
This group helps you share issues and ideas.
Please email [email protected] and title your email Bucks RM network WhatsApp group.