Care Advice

Potential changes to my home environment

Adaptations are changes to your home to make it easier and safer to get around. These can be minor or major changes. Minor adaptations are those that are easily installed and would not require structural changes to your home, for example external rails.

Major adaptations alter the structure or fabric of the building and may need planning permission and other considerations including sources of funding, which we can help you to explore. Some examples are:

  • level access shower installations
  • stair lifts
  • ramping

See our factsheets below regarding the Disabled Facilities Grant and Rehousing processes.

Disabled Facilities Grant

A Disabled Facilities grant, or “DFG” is some money you could get from the council to make changes (major adaptations) to your home following an Occupational Therapy assessment. The grant is means tested and your household income and savings will be assessed, and some people may need to pay a contribution towards the cost of the works.

The Foundations website offers the opportunity for a self assessment to see if you're eligible for a DFG (Disabled Facilities Grant).

As well as Occupational Therapy recommendations, a Grants Officer will also need to visit to check eligibility, and further permissions and preparatory work could be required, for example an assessment of feasibility if the property is rented from a housing association. For further information, view the DFG (Disabled Facilities Grants) factsheet.