Better Lives Strategy
Our strategy for the future of adult social care in Buckinghamshire. Helping you live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
We want to make adult social care better for people in Buckinghamshire. We will focus on prevention, delaying the need for formal services, and helping people live independently for longer.
Our Better Lives strategy has three main parts:
- Living independently
- Regaining independence
- Living with support
Our Better Lives Strategy
To help people live independently for longer, we will provide more local support from the voluntary and community sector.
Information and advice will be easily accessible, helping people lead independent and fulfilled lives.
To make this work we will:
- work closely with communities, local groups and the voluntary sector to improve the support available in local areas
- make it easier for people to build strong local networks of support
- make sure that a wide range of information and advice is easily accessible so that people can quickly find the support that they need
- improve housing options to help people to remain living independently
Some people might need more support in the future. Planning ahead can prevent problems from worsening and help people stay independent, reducing the need for long-term care.
For those recovering from illness or injury, we will provide short-term care to help them regain their independence.
To make this work we will:
- work with individuals and their families to come up with plans to help prevent problems from getting worse
- provide short-term support to help people recovering from an illness or injury or living with long-term social care or health conditions to gain or regain the skills they need to live independently, including housing alternatives to residential care
People will have more options and control over their support, whether they pay for it themselves or get help from the council.
We recognise the crucial role of carers and understand they might need support too.
We will help create various services and housing options in local communities so people can live independently.
To make this work we will:
- offer people more choice and control over their support
- work closely with the individual, their family and their community to achieve the best outcomes
- consider the individual’s desired outcomes when deciding how best to support them within the resources available
- support the development of a wide range of services to help people live more independently
- More residents will live independently without the need for long-term care
- Fewer residents will require support in a residential or nursing setting
- More residents will return to living independently after leaving hospital
- Younger people moving on from children’s services with care and support needs will be better prepared for adulthood
- People will have more choice and control over their own care, drawing upon community resources as widely as possible
- People will experience more seamless care and support across social care and the NHS