Care Advice

Introduction to paying for care in Buckinghamshire

Lasting Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a person who has the authority to act for another person in specified or all legal or financial matters.

As you get older, or become ill, you may find it harder to cope with day-to-day decisions. An attorney can help with these things and look after your interests for you.

If you are able to make decisions for yourself, your attorney can only help you by giving suggestions. They cannot tell you what to do. If you agree, they can do things for you, but they must still do what you want.

If you can no longer make your own choices, then an attorney can make decisions for you, but they must always act in your best interests.

To find out more about attorneys and setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, either call the Office of the Public Guardian on 0300 456 0300. This is a free call. Or Visit the Government website.