Care Advice

See something, say something, do something

Buckinghamshire Council's adult safeguarding campaign

The ‘See something, say something, do something’ campaign launched in September 2021. Everyone deserves to live a happy life, in a safe place free from harm and neglect, regardless of age, gender, disability or ethnicity. The campaign is designed to raise awareness of adult abuse, spotlight the different types, the signs to look out for and most importantly what actions to take if abuse is suspected.

Data held by the council shows that during 2020/21 it received close to 12,000 reports of suspected abuse and neglect of an adult living in Buckinghamshire. 9 out of 10 of the reports we received were made by professionals, such as doctors, police, care providers, members of the Ambulance Service and council employees.

One of our most important roles as a council is to protect our residents but this cannot be achieved by one single organisation or person. We need your help too. You can support the campaign by sharing our social media posts on Twitter and Facebook (@BucksCouncil), and any concerns about a friend, relative, colleague or neighbour can be reported to us.

For more information about safeguarding, please see our factsheets ‘What is abuse and neglect?’ and ‘What is adult safeguarding?’ on our Factsheets page.

If you would like this information in another format, please contact us at [email protected]

How to report the abuse of an adult

You can report the abuse of an adult to Buckinghamshire Council. We call this a safeguarding concern.

If you would like to submit a safeguarding concern, you can do this using our online service. You will need to create an account, which is quick and easy.

Submit a Safeguarding Concern

If you would like to submit a safeguarding concern without making an account you can use our online form.

Submit an Anonymous Concern

If you would prefer to speak to someone directly please call the Early Resolution and Safeguarding Team on 0800 137 915. Outside of working hours, call our Emergency Duty Team on 0800 999 7677.

If you feel the person is in immediate danger, dial 999.